Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunch of maniacts x)

Sherlock Holmes
A fictional detective
Famous in logical reasoning, ability to disguise and observe, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.
* I talk about this got reason one XD

If you love a girl, it's better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness :)

Art class draw this t-shirt, gahaha
I like V-collar XD

Prince William & Kate Middleton
Watch LIVE. So grand so royal :O
I don't know why i as a Malaysian care
But... you guys match alot XD

Tuesday i had fun after school
Went Jusco with Akiko, Nadia & Hannah
Yea i know we have cocurriculum at 3.30pm
But we made it :DD
My mission is to buy Callin's present
They have lunch at Papa John
So i took my time to buy headphone
Why hanginq out with them always make me starving? TT
Pack back Starbucks to school
The cashier lady was like o.0
Never see before is it? XD
You guys owe me 1o bucks! :P

I reactivate my fb
Cause i miss it too much!
Read read read fb notes :D
Watched many VCD's today
Tomorrow outinq with mom to TS
Haiz, im so cacat with my studies :(

卸下包袱,享受随性生活 :)

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