Thursday, June 9, 2011

Announcement !

Hey peeps, im back :D
Due to the problems with this blog i created a new blog
Kindly follow my new bloq by clickinq the 'follow' button below the chatbox
Thanks for supportinq & do relink me :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

1 more week

Happy almost mother's day ! ;)
Celebrated at Outback Steak House, Bangsa
Brother's both eye sight got worst, 700 degrees o.0
Wish i could get Li Shien + Jie Xi a perfect present =/

Awhh, sore throat :(
Nowadays i go to the library durinq recess
Can't believe how amazinq that
I could study 2 chapters everyday :D
Fall in love with classic english litreature
Seriously, find a day i'll date Kinokuniya
* Akiko, you will teman me de hor? :DD

Friday, Feon & i were called to the counselinq room
Scare die me, i thought that prefect complain my hair again -.-
Till now i dare not ask my dad
about my 2nd surat amaran
Strike again once and i'll get gantung sekolah
Freakinq scared T_T

就算是开玩笑; 我也会在意
为什么我总说让自己后悔的话? :(

Krshanti, this lor =/

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunch of maniacts x)

Sherlock Holmes
A fictional detective
Famous in logical reasoning, ability to disguise and observe, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.
* I talk about this got reason one XD

If you love a girl, it's better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness :)

Art class draw this t-shirt, gahaha
I like V-collar XD

Prince William & Kate Middleton
Watch LIVE. So grand so royal :O
I don't know why i as a Malaysian care
But... you guys match alot XD

Tuesday i had fun after school
Went Jusco with Akiko, Nadia & Hannah
Yea i know we have cocurriculum at 3.30pm
But we made it :DD
My mission is to buy Callin's present
They have lunch at Papa John
So i took my time to buy headphone
Why hanginq out with them always make me starving? TT
Pack back Starbucks to school
The cashier lady was like o.0
Never see before is it? XD
You guys owe me 1o bucks! :P

I reactivate my fb
Cause i miss it too much!
Read read read fb notes :D
Watched many VCD's today
Tomorrow outinq with mom to TS
Haiz, im so cacat with my studies :(

卸下包袱,享受随性生活 :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today reflects tomorrow :)

Since today no kawad so i went school xD
Hari keusahawan is yummy
Chicken pie ♥
I & Krshanti each half ate alot
Polly treat me ; i treat Samantha :D

Help TNS do stuffs
Elehh, give you exercise papers you should thanks me leh
Don't like ma throw laa
I also took alot what -.-

I forgot Callin's birthday party, zzz
Call her got a malay pick up the phone
Thought i called wrong number -,-
Really din't regret go
I like this kind of friendship
Always teast each other, everythinq also can do
They lie me pizza box inside is empty
I almost want call the Pizza Hut scold eh x.x''
Her who come then everythinq become HIGH
Somethinq LMAO happened, LALALA :P
Back her house watch Scary Movie
Her gang's conversation really funny`
Went swimminq after rain stoped :)

Urghh, i wanna go Kinokuniya/book fair !

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


U, shut up :X

Retarded life ; damn it
It's my form 3 life =/

Plan on studyinq
But now if i have time
I rather go sleep, tired D:
Every monday + thursday
Don't know i can stand how lonq =v=

Friday, April 15, 2011


7.15am - 7.30pm 我都在读书
因为kelas tambahan + rumah sukan + tution 撞在一起
昨天半夜又做geografi folio到3.30am
第二天开会讲syllables换到完 *faint @@*
But追戏的mood一定不会没有 XD

还有, tution的sejarah class是用DVD教学的
在隔壁Huay Yin一直跟我讲话就没有这样闷了
过后下雨 屋顶穿洞就早放学咯

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Friday 我没去学校
我这个笨蛋的脚受伤了 zzz

今天叮当在Leisure mall有个签名会
下雨我没福气去, haiz

最衰的是死Cikgu Jojo
Walao, 顶他咯
回班我简直狂飙臭话 x.x''

今天吃大螃蟹心情好很多了 XD

******************** ♥ ********************

我还不会从电脑send去电话, noob -.-''

抒情歌,2AM 最棒 !

喜欢她的歌声和笑容 ♥

Saturday, April 9, 2011


School replacement day : sijil pengetua
2010 SPM candidates are the last year with genius
Really admire you guys, wish that i can do it too :')
I talk back with Jonathan again
Bet with him if he jump on stage pay him money
He din't do & say stupid one
Its he's suggestion de -.-''

Last week let that math tution teacher fool
Fish like hell T.T
Why tution also need exam? Pangsai

我不想当那个听的;却不能说的那个人 :'(