Saturday, May 7, 2011

1 more week

Happy almost mother's day ! ;)
Celebrated at Outback Steak House, Bangsa
Brother's both eye sight got worst, 700 degrees o.0
Wish i could get Li Shien + Jie Xi a perfect present =/

Awhh, sore throat :(
Nowadays i go to the library durinq recess
Can't believe how amazinq that
I could study 2 chapters everyday :D
Fall in love with classic english litreature
Seriously, find a day i'll date Kinokuniya
* Akiko, you will teman me de hor? :DD

Friday, Feon & i were called to the counselinq room
Scare die me, i thought that prefect complain my hair again -.-
Till now i dare not ask my dad
about my 2nd surat amaran
Strike again once and i'll get gantung sekolah
Freakinq scared T_T

就算是开玩笑; 我也会在意
为什么我总说让自己后悔的话? :(

Krshanti, this lor =/

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